{ "packages": ["beautifulsoup4", "lxml", "six", "soupsieve", "./EbookLib-0.17.1-py3-none-any.whl"] } from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString from math import ceil import ebooklib from ebooklib import epub from copy import copy from js import document, FileReader, console, window, Object, localStorage import io def create_bold_tag(soup, str): tag = soup.new_tag("b") tag['class'] = 'b' tag.string = str return tag def bolderize_str(soup, parent, child_text): nodes = [] for word in child_text.split(" "): if len(word) < 2: nodes.append(create_bold_tag(soup, word + " ")) else: end_point = ceil(len(word) / float(2)) to_bold = word[0:end_point] rest = word[end_point:] bolded_tag = create_bold_tag(soup, to_bold) nodes.append(bolded_tag) nodes.append(rest + " ") return nodes def process_node(soup, node): new_node = copy(node) new_node.clear() for child in node.children: if type(child) == str or type(child) == NavigableString: nodes = bolderize_str(soup, node, child) for node in nodes: new_node.append(node) else: new_node.append(process_node(soup, child)) return new_node def process_html(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') soup.find_all('p') for node in soup.find_all('p'): new_node = process_node(soup, node) node.replace_with(new_node) """ for node in soup.find_all(''): process_string(soup, blah) """ # return soup.prettify(formatter='minimal') return str(soup) def process_epub(input_filename, output_filename): book = epub.read_epub(input_filename) for html_page in book.get_items_of_type(ebooklib.ITEM_DOCUMENT): html = html_page.get_content() updated_html = process_html(html) html_page.set_content(updated_html.encode('utf-8')) epub.write_epub(output_filename, book) def process_file_data(file_data): input_file = 'in.epub' output_file = 'out.epub' with open(input_file, 'wb') as in_file: in_file.write(file_data) process_epub(input_file, output_file) return output_file class ButtonState: processing = 'processing' processed = 'processed' initial = '' def set_state(state): button_container = document.getElementById("button_container") button_container.setAttribute("class", f"button-container {state}") input_filename = "" output_file_data = None def set_filename(filename): global input_filename input_filename = filename def get_filename(): return input_filename async def process_file(file): arrBuf = await file.to_py().arrayBuffer() # print("Processing", arrBuf, dir(arrBuf.to_py()), dir(arrBuf)); output_file = process_file_data(arrBuf.to_bytes()) # print(output_file) with open(output_file, "rb") as output: return output.read() async def file_select_event(event): global output_file_data try: file_handles = event.target.files.to_py() set_state(ButtonState.processing) for file in file_handles: # file = await file_handle.getFile() set_filename(file.name) file_data = await file.arrayBuffer() output_filename = process_file_data(file_data.to_py()) with open(output_filename, "rb") as output_epub: output_file_data = to_js(output_epub.read()) localStorage.setItem("output_file", output_file_data) set_state(ButtonState.processed) except Exception as e: console.log('Exception: ' + str(e)) set_state(ButtonState.initial) return async def save_select_event(event): suggested_name = input_filename try: options = { "startIn": "downloads", "suggestedName": suggested_name } file_handle = await window.showSaveFilePicker(Object.fromEntries(to_js(options))) file = await file_handle.createWritable() with open("out.epub", "rb") as output_epub: await file.write(to_js(output_epub.read())) await file.close() except Exception as e: console.log('Exception: ' + str(e)) return """ def setup_button(): file_open_event = create_proxy(file_select_event) file_save_proxy = create_proxy(save_select_event) document.getElementById("epub_input").addEventListener("change", file_open_event, False) document.getElementById("save_button").addEventListener("click", function () { console.log(PyScript.globals.get('output_file_data')); }) setup_button() """

EPUB Bolderizer
